
Singer - Rapper - Songwriter

Big City Life

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“Big City Life” – a soulful hip hop track carried by strings and piano

“Big City Life” is a melodic hip hop track influenced by artists like Little Simz and Jorja Smith. The track is on YETUNDEY’s debut EP “See No Evil” which she released on 25-01-2018. It was developed in collaboration with young aspiring German producers and the renowned UK producer Nat Powers.
“Big City Life” is a very soulful song, carried by strings and piano.
“The lyrics are at their best here too, with a head of steam built up towards an impressive showcase of vocal dexterity.” (Indie Berlin)

“Big City Life” a candid picture of our modern materialistic society

The video clip was filmed at the historical Brikett Fabrik Louise in Domsdorf, Germany. The coal plant which opened 1882 was one of Germany’s industrial centres. The culture that developed through and around these industries is what Yetundey is appealing to. This factory and its surrounding area were once beacons, a thriving regional hub full of life. All now lay forgotten away in the forest. For Yetundey this historical coal press is a living memorial to the beginnings of our current industrialised society. And at the same time, it is a symbol of the desolation and seclusion the modern big city life mentality is leading us to.

Yetundey addresses the big city life society which “radiates with depression, suppression, aggression.

Nowadays, there is “no space for affection between success and perfection, everybody wants to get up, up, up. “Everyone’s need to be on top, top, top” has made us loose our compassion, our connection to ourselves and to the world. “All we want is action.”
She questions the prevailing mentality of the western culture and calls out for connection, a re-evaluation of the social validation system and a change of this desolate big city life mentality.
She asks,
When will all of this stop?


Mit „Big City Life“ hat Yetundey einen melodischen HipHop-Track geschaffen, eine Reminiszenz an Künstlerinnen wie Little Simz und Jorja Smith. Der melancholische Song wird von Streichern und Klavierklängen getragen und ist eine der sozialkritischsten Anspielstationen auf Yetundeys Debut-EP „See No Evil“.

Der Videoclip wurde in der historischen Brikettfabrik Louise in Domsdorf gedreht. Das 1882 eröffnete Kohlekraftwerk war einst ein bedeutendes deutsches Industriezentrum: Die Fabrik und ihre Umgebung waren wahre Leuchttürme, ein blühendes regionales Zentrum voller Leben. Jetzt liegen sie vergessen im Wald. Für Yetundey ist diese historische Kohlepresse ein lebendiges Denkmal für die Anfänge unserer heutigen Industriegesellschaft. Gleichzeitig ist es ein Symbol für die Trostlosigkeit und Abgeschiedenheit, zu der uns die moderne Großstadt-Lebensmentalität führt.

“No space for affection between success and perfection, everybody wants to get up, up, up. Everyone’s need to be on top, top, top.” Durch diese Denkweise verlieren wir unser Mitgefühl und unsere tiefe Verbindung zu uns selbst und zur Außenwelt. In “Big City Life” verhandelt Yetundey unser westliches Wertesystem neu und ruft zur Selbstreflektion auf.